Procurecon Indirect West 2025

March 03 - 05, 2025

JW Marriott Las Vegas Resort & Spa, NV

Whitepaper & Video Center

SaaS Purchasing Process: 10 Ways To Improve How You Manage And Buy Software

What grade would you give your company's software purchasing process? If you think there's room for improvement, this guide is for you. Learn the top 10 ways to instantly upgrade how you buy and manage software. Then, watch as your dollar and time savings compound over time.

CIPS/Hays North American Procurement Salary Guide and Insights

What are companies paying for top supply chain management talent? Take a look at salary averages across North America in the 2021 CIPS/Hayes Procurement Salary Guide -- that also has insights on skills in demand and other workplace issues.

How To Find The Right TMC Partner: The Checklist

Use this checklist to assess if your TMC has what it takes to help you keep traveling strategically, prioritize safely, and support spending and sustainability goals.

State of Tail Spend

In the past five years, tail spend has become an increasing area of focus for companies due to a number of factors including supplier risk, operational risk, and bloated costs. As new technologies and processes to manage tail spend come about, The Hackett Group conducted a study to highlight new tail spend trends and what is coming next.

Vision and Agility: Reimagine Your Procurement Operating Model

In this updated edition of WNS Denali's Procurement Operating Model whitepaper, explore the latest research-based insights and market observations that contribute to improved functionality and value for your procurement organization. 

CLM as the Nexus of Strategy: Why P2P and S2P Suites are not Enough to Address Enterprise Strategic Spend

Organizations invest in procurement suites for greater control over their spending. While P2P / S2P suites work well for managing transactional spends, they are not designed to handle the broader strategic spend (which accounts for 44% of enterprise spend). Download this report by Spend Matters and SirionLabs to understand how a central enterprise CLM system with AI-powered contract analytics can enhance the effectiveness of your existing procurement suite and unlock enterprise value inaccessible via other more generic approaches.

Why It's Time To Rewrite Category Plans

The full impact of the pandemic on Procurement may not be realized until well into 2022 and beyond. The role of the category manager will be enhanced to represent the new face of Procurement, building on credibility and success in managing the firefighting stage. Lessons learned regarding business and supply continuity, relationships, risk, and sustainable sourcing will be the basis for revised category plans that should focus on resilience and flexibility. Check out CASME's 7 step procurement process planning framework here.

Building Stronger Procurement Ecosystems in 2022 and Beyond: Turning Procurement into a Strategic Asset and Growth Enabler

Organizations that have taken an aggressive stance towards the development of these capabilities often have AI-based tools in place that simplify the generation of analytics and provide decision makers with practical insights. This report analyzes how advanced procurement ecosystems are supporting the function’s objectives in terms of talent, strategy, and technology. It also examines how confident procurement leaders feel about their current digital sourcing capabilities.

Technicolor Case Study

Technicolor SA is a global company specializing in the design and manufacture of digital video and imaging systems for media professionals. They provide products for film producers and television channels, as well as network operators and other content distributors. Check out this case study to see how Per Angusta is helping Technicolor drive business, increase transparency, and collaborate in procurement.

ProcureCon Indirect West 2022 Innovation Briefing

In this report, we provide access to curated articles based on the most important themes affecting procurement today. You will discover new methods for sustainable sourcing, building your procurement team, and improving your work with suppliers. Enjoy a special case study about Uber’s freight procurement offering as well.

The ProcureCon CPO Study 2022: Developing the Core Executive Skillset for Procurement

The ProcureCon CPO study is an annual research report committed to highlighting the thought processes and strategies impacting top-level decision-makers within the procurement organization. This year’s installation explores how CPOs' focus areas have changed over the past year and what priorities they are setting for their organizations’ continuing transformations. Here, readers will learn what challenges today’s CPOs face in 2022 and what solutions they’ll put in place to maintain an agile and valuable procurement function.

Guide to a Successful CIO-CPO Relationship: How the Two Roles Can Collaborate to Drive the Organization’s Digital Transformation

In last year’s CIO-CPO study, the WBR Insights research team focused on how far procurement had come in taking on responsibility for technology sourcing. In this report, the focus will continue with benchmarking the progress that CPOs and their IT counterparts are making in establishing flexible working environments. We will also explore how these two roles are collaborating in the adoption of new technologies into procurement processes, what steps they believe they need to take to coordinate new technology efforts, and what strategies they are planning to pursue while entering a potentially transformative decade.

Beyond Analytics Everywhere: Augmented Analytics, the next Step in Procurement Evolution

This succinct but informative report will give you a glimpse into the rapidly developing digital world presented by two JAGGAER executives. You’ll learn from the leaders in Intelligent Analytics exactly what you can do now to develop your digital capabilities to become future-proof.

Resiliency in the COVID-19 Age

Sourcing strategy can serve as a powerful tool for building a more resilient organization. Within this report, you'll learn from John Piatek, Chairman of GEP's Global Thought Leadership Council, as he takes you through the ways the the procurement function can help your business weather the storm and avoid the worst impacts of 2020's challenges. Claim your copy now!

CPO Study 2021: Persuasive Sourcing Effectiveness Among Disruption and Shifting Priorities

Procurement’s role in supplier selection encompasses more than simple cost-management. Risk management, quality assurance, innovation, and strategic development are all important aspects of the function that come from supplier diversity initiatives. In this edition of ProcureCon and WBR Insights’ CPO Study, we explore how much success Procurement leaders have experienced with the tools and strategies they have currently deployed for supplier management. We’ll also learn which aspects of the business these leaders would like to improve, what barriers are preventing them from reaching their goals, and what they foresee in the future for their sourcing speed initiatives.

Key Steps to High-Impact Procurement Transformation

In many organizations, procurement has been a primary driver of cost savings. But we often treat it as an afterthought. Sometimes, procurement may not have a seat at the table at all. As we’re maturing within organizations, there’s value beyond savings that procurement can contribute. This report takes a look at supplier relationship management from the perspective of governing with suppliers, And giving them all opportunities to grow and improve relationships with them.

COVID-19 Category Update: Helping Leading Enterprises Worldwide Achieve Extraordinary Results

When COVID-19 struck in March, procurement professionals had to decide how they would react. By mid Q2, U.S. GDP had fallen by over 30%. Upon assessing what they have learned since that time, the experts at GEP realized how this was going to effect the industry in the long term. This report explores how leading companies and the resources can take proactive measures as they work within this new paradigm.

Your 2020 Playbook for Technology Sourcing Strategy: ProcureCon’s Annual CIO-CPO Study

Continuing our annual series of C-Level Procurement reports, this edition of our CIO-CPO study follows the development of key relationships between Procurement and IT leaders. You'll hear from several thought leaders, as well as discover stats that cover year-over-year progress of the function. Claim your copy now!

Accelerating Growth with Customer Interaction Analytics

How can Procurement apply digital transformation to the processes their internal customers use every day? Within this case study, you'll hear how R Systems and Strategic Link were able to join forces to implement AI and ML tools that drastically improved  customer outcomes within a growing fin-tech firm.The latest in technology can supercharge your ability to analyze customer interactions and improve outcomes. Grab your copy of this report to learn how! 

Cognitive Procurement and the Implementation of AI and ML

AI and ML are enabling a new style of procurement. Learn about how cognitive procurement can transform your organization when you claim your copy of this exciting new research report! 

Your Strategy Guide to Unlocking the Strategic Value of Spend in Times of Business Uncertainty

Gaining the right insight is a key part of navigating business uncertainty. In this report from Coupa, you will learn how past precedents can be applied to create a resilient approach for your procurement team that will deliver value far beyond 2020. 

Procurement in the Driver's Seat: Delivering ROI Through the Procurement Function

Procurement's journey to influence within their organizations is partly based on the language and metrics they use to express their value. In this new report, you'll discover what tools and techniques can help keep Procurement in the driver's seat, growing their strategic influence within the organization. 

Simplify Risk Management Across Procurement Processes

The growing pace of business, rapid economic changes, and increased regulatory requirements call for supplier risk management to become a natural part of the procurement process to avoid damage to your revenue or reputation. Yet supplier risk management remains tough to do because risk due diligence tends to be a sporadic process. Manual risk scoring, which is costly and time consuming, makes it almost impossible to stay well informed about suppliers or market signals. And with risk information being fragmented across processes and systems, unintentionally engaging at-risk suppliers becomes more likely, which may lead to serious supply chain disruptions. Protecting your organization against supplier risk means that your buyers need to be able to make smart, safe, informed decisions during supplier selection, qualification, and segmentation. And they need to be able to detect early warning signals and proactively monitor risks for each supplier engagement during the procurement process.

Competitive Differentiation

The gap between “Buying at Home” vs “Buying at Work” has never been larger than it is today. While B2C eCommerce continues to evolve at a hyper-accelerated rate, enterprise procurement solutions haven’t really evolved much since 2002. Corporate procurement is at a crossroads. They have invested heavily in technology solutions intended to drive efficiencies only to realize that they are no closer to achieving the goal of maximum spend under management. Procurement needs to be maniacal about the user experience and ensure that Procurement deploys tools that users will actually adopt. With e-commerce sales continuing to be a major part of retail buying, end users expect a similar experience when they do their purchasing at work. Users want to have an experience like they get at Amazon, Airbnb, Home Advisor, and Angie’s List, among others. That experience starts with a strong search capability and an overall process that occurs within a single site, i.e. without punching out to another site to complete the purchase.

The 2019 ProcureCon CIO-CPO Study

New for 2019, this year's edition of the CIO CPO report focuses on the strategic changes procurement is putting into place in order to meet their IT peers half-way. Strategies around risk mitigation, the development of expertise, and AI and ML integration are all looked at in this exciting new edition!

ProcureCon Digital Summit - June 2019

Let's get digital!At ProcureCon Digital Summit, we'll give you the tools you need to transform your organization into a digital powerhouse.Sign up for this live digital event and get the scoop.Psssst... you don't even have to attend the live sessions if you don't want to! You'll get the on-demand recording as long as your name's on the list.

Turning Digital Disruption into Procurement Innovation

In this new report, you'll learn about how Procurement leaders are turning the imperative to digitally transform into a springboard towards opportunity. Don't miss these insights taken from a live webinar and distilled into this easy to digest report! Download your copy now. 

It All Starts With Your Procurement Data

The beginning of any journey in indirect procurement is capitalizing on your procurement data to understand organizational performance as well as to shape both goals and opportunities. Historically, indirect purchasing has been responsible for the procurement of non-production materials (NPM) and services. Unlike direct purchases that have a relatively constrained supplier base and a controlled or planned use of parts, indirect procurement has almost an infinite variety in parts and supplies that can be bought from tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of suppliers. With so many supplier options out there, how does an organization stay on top of their indirect procurement? The answer: data.

Risk Monitoring: Riding the Wave of Change

Are you ready to ride the wave of change? This new report from Lexis Nexus will show you how to improve your risk monitoring and stay up to date on the market changes set to impact your organization the most. 

Supplier Risk Management in Direct Procurement

Direct procurement risk must be avoided in order to circumvent serious business disruptions. In today's volatile market, that can be easier said than done. In this new report, GEP shows you how you can develop best in class protection for your direct procurement strategy. 

Supplier Management in a Turbulent Global Economy: Studying Challenges Impacting Direct and Indirect Procurement

This new research study contrasts the challenges facing both direct and indirect procurement within the context of global business. You will discover how your peers are managing their supplier diversity and mitigating risk while ensuring business continuity. 

How to Improve Travel Management Cost-Savings

The days of quick wins and sweeping savings in travel management are probably over. If you’ve not already been through multiple cost-saving initiatives, you’re the exception rather than the rule. So when the pressure is on to drive further cost savings in your travel programme, what can you do?In this guide, we’ll take you through ideas to reframe the cost-saving conversation at a strategic level, as well as techniques for budgeting to maximise your cost controls and tools to help you benchmark your travel budgets.

Want even more reading material? View whitepapers and reports from our 2019 event.

2019 Media Center

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